Shadowheart, one of the most fascinating friends in Baldur Gate 3, has a lot of secrets that need to be revealed. Are you prepared to find them? Discover the secrets to unleashing Shadowheart build bg3 full potential as we go headfirst into her environment, her unique talents, and the finest ways to use them in this exhaustive guide. No matter how much or how little experience you have with the game, this guide will cover all Baldurs Gate 3 Shadowheart bases. Alright, get ready for an epic adventure in the Forgotten Realms!
Now that we have covered the platforms that support Shadowheart bg3, let us get into the specifics of how to free Shadowheart and make the best bg3 Shadowheart build:
Platform | Compatibility |
Windows | ✓ |
macOS | ✓ |
Linux | ✓ |
Stadia | ✓ |
PS4 | ✗ |
Xbox One | ✗ |
Currently, gamers have several ways to enjoy Baldur Gate 3: Windows, macOS, Linux, and Google Stadia. However, the game is still not available on Xbox One or PS4.
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Understanding Shadowheart’s Role in Your Party

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the half-elf cleric Shadowheart bg3 is a formidable ally. Her attacking prowess, defensive spellcasting, and healing talents make her a priceless addition to any group. Even more intriguing than her persona is Shadowheart bg3 enigmatic past and hidden goal; she is a priest of Shar, the goddess of darkness and secrecy.
Shadowheart Unique Abilities
Warding Bond is a potent spell that Shadowheart bg3 may use to absorb damage dealt to an ally. It is one of her most distinctive skills. When the going gets rough, this skill will come in handy for keeping your frontline warriors alive and fighting for longer.
A plethora of cleric spells are at Shadowheart bg3 disposal, not limited to Warding Bond but also including:
- Cure Wounds: Restores target hit points—a basic healing spell.
- Guiding Bolt: A ranged spell of attack deals radiant damage and an advantage on the next attacking roll against the target.
- Inflict wounds: A necrotic spell assault that may weaken foes and deliver melee damage.
- Bless Benefits up to three allies by adding a d4 boost to their attack rolls and saving throws.
Shadowheart bg3 may help her comrades swing the fight in your favour with a well-planned combo of spells and her other skills.
Recommended Subclass: Light Domain
Although Shadowheart bg3 starts as a Cleric specializing in Trickery Domain, we suggest switching her subclass to Light Domain so that this Shadowheart build bg3 may be implemented. Because her Light Domain specialization gives her a higher damage output from her Channel Divinity actions than other Cleric subclasses, Shadowheart is very strong. Shadowheart in bg3 is already a powerful support character, but Light Domain Clerics can shield their companions from harm.
Take advantage of the respect function in your camp with Withers to alter Shadowheart bg3 subclass. To access Shadowheart bg3 full capabilities, you must pay 100 gold for this.
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How to Recruit and Free Shadowheart

Recruiting Shadowheart bg3 is simple since the game strongly suggests that you do it. Following these steps will help you on how to free Shadowheart:
- Find Shadowheart bg3 in a pod in the last area of the prologue and get him to knock on the door before you walk up to the helm.
- Locate the Eldritch Rune in the optional side chamber. Toss it aside.
- Use the Eldritch Rune to unlock it on the console adjacent to Shadowheart bg3 pod.
- Launch the pod from the main menu.
- To complete the prologue, invite Shadowheart bg3 to join you.
- Discover Shadowheart bg3 unconscious on the beach after the prologue. Get her out of bed and invite her to the party again.
If you overlook Shadowheart bg3 in the prologue, she may be heard pounding on a door at the Dank Crypt side entrance farther up the beach. Druid Grove is where she will appear if you miss her for a long time.
Shadowheart Leveling Progression
Levelling up Shadowheart bg3 unlocks new spells, powers, and feats as you play the game. Her levelling advancement is broken out in this way:
Level 1
Select the following Shadowheart bg3 cantrips and spells at the 1st level:
- Cantrips: Guidance, Resistance, Sacred Flame
- Spells: Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Bless, Inflict Wounds
Burning Hands and Faerie Fire, both spelled from the Light Domain, will also be at your disposal.
Level 2
Shadowheart bg3 can perform Channel Divinity actions after they reach level 2. Being a Light Domain Cleric grants her access to:
- Turn Undead: Forces undead creatures to flee from Shadowheart bg3.
- Radiance of the Dawn: Deals radiant damage to hostile creatures within range.
At this level, consider giving her the Command spell so she can dominate crowds more effectively.
Level 3
Level 3 grants Shadowheart bg3 access to spells of the second level. She would benefit from including the following in her repertoire:
- Aid: Gives your friends a short boost to their hit points and maximum health.
- Hold Person: Defend a humanoid target by rendering them defenceless.
- Spiritual Weapon: Allows Shadowheart bg3 to do damage while focused on support, summoning a ghostly weapon that may strike foes as a bonus action.
The Light Domain spells Scorching Ray and Flaming Sphere, which are also at her disposal.
Level 4
When you reach level 4, you may boost Shadowheart bg3 Wisdom by two by selecting the Ability Improvement feat. Before casting any spells, choose Thaumaturgy as her new cantrip.
- Enhance Ability: It bestows a benefit to an ally on ability tests that you choose.
- Warding Bond: Connects Shadowheart bg3 to a friendly ally, allowing them to take combined damage and benefit from increased AC and saving throw probabilities.
Level 5
Inflicting radiant damage on targeted undead creatures, Shadowheart bg3 Turn Undead action becomes Destroy Undead at level 5. At the third level, she can cast spells like:
- Glyph of Warding: Carves out a magical trap that, when stepped on, will release its target.
- Revivify: Resurrect an ally who has taken one damage point.
- Spirit Guardians: Makes an ethereal field of glowing or rotting energy that slows and hurts foes.
- Mass Healing Word: As a bonus ability, you can heal several teammates simultaneously.
Daylight and Fireball, both spells belonging to the Light Domain, also become accessible.
Higher Levels
Powerful spells and abilities become available to Shadowheart bg3 when she exceeds 5. Among the most important additions are:
Level 6
- An additional Divinity charge for Channeling and the Blessed Healer’s ability to restore health while healing others.
Level 7
- The Light Domain spells Wall of Fire, Guardian of Faith, and the Freedom of Movement spell.
Level 8
- Features such as Divine Strike (which increases radiant damage from weapon attacks), Potent Spellcasting (which adds a Wisdom modifier to cantrip damage), and the Resilience feat (which boosts Wisdom and gives an advantage on Wisdom saving throws) are available.
Level 9
- Dispel Evil and Good, Insect Plague, Mass Cure Wounds, Destructive Wave, and Flame Strike are all Light Domain spells.
Level 10
- The Greater Restoration spell and Divine Intervention, a one-time blessing from Shar or Selune, are available.
Level 11
- The ability to cast spells of the sixth level, such as Heroes Feast and Planar Ally, summons a supernatural being to help the party.
Level 12
- The Heal spell and the War Caster feat (which grants beneficial effects on Concentration tests and the ability to cast spells as chance attacks).
Gear Recommendations
If you want Shadowheart bg3 to be as successful as possible in battle, you must equip her with the proper gear. I suggest the following items for use in the early and late game:
Early Game
- Helmet: Wapira Crown (additional healing)
- Armor: Luminous Armor (applies Radiating Orb debuff to enemies)
- Gloves: Luminous Gloves (applies Radiating Orb debuff to enemies)
- Boots: Vital Conduit Boots (grants temporary HP when casting Concentration spells)
- Cloak: Cloak of Protection (+1 to saving throws and AC)
- Amulet: Pearl of Power Amulet (restores a spell slot once per long rest)
- Rings: The Whispering Promise (grants Blessed buff to healed allies), Ring of Coruscation (applies Radiating Orb debuff when dealing spell damage while illuminated)
- Melee Weapon: The Blood of Lathander (legendary mace with healing and radiant damage effects)
- Shield: Adamantine Shield (crafted at the Adamantine Forge, provides immunity to critical hits)
- Ranged Weapon: Any shortbow for backup ranged attacks
Late Game
- Helmet: Hood of the Weave (+2 to spell save DC and attack rolls)
- Armor: Luminous Armor (continued use for Radiating Orb debuff)
- Gloves: Luminous Gloves (continued use for Radiating Orb debuff)
- Boots: Helldusk Boots (immunity to forced movement and slowing effects, reaction to succeed on a failed saving throw)
- Cloak: Cloak of the Weave (+1 to spell save DC and attack rolls, absorption of elemental damage)
- Amulet: Amulet of the Devout (+2 to spell save DC, extra Channel Divinity charge) or Amulet of Greater Health (increases Constitution to 23, grants advantage on Constitution saving throws)
- Rings: Callous Glow Ring (deals extra radiant damage to illuminated enemies), Ring of Coruscation (continued use for Radiating Orb debuff)
- Melee Weapon: The Sacred Star (automatically inflicts Radiating Orb debuff on hit) or The Blood of Lathander (continued use for healing and radiant damage effects)
- Shield: Viconia Walking Fortress (+3 to AC, various defensive benefits)
- Ranged Weapon: Darkfire Shortbow (grants Haste spell once per short rest)
When selecting gear, prioritize items that increase Shadowheart bg3 spell save DC, provide defensive bonuses, and synergize with her Radiant damage and healing abilities.
Combat Strategies and Gameplay Tips
Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to maximize Shadowheart bg3 battle abilities:
- Rather than delivering damage, focus on healing and aiding teammates, particularly in the early game.
- To make your foes more susceptible to assaults, use the Radiating Orb debuff.
- To maximize the damage Radiance of the Dawn can do, equip it with Radiating Orbs.
- Before the battle, use Concentration spells to strengthen your companions, such as Bless and Shield of Faith.
- To strengthen your party’s health and defences, cast Heroes Feast and Aid after each lengthy rest.
- Put insect plague at chokepoints, making it hard for foes to get through and create lethal kill zones.
- When you want to hit a single target hard, cast Flame Strike or upcast Inflict Wounds.
- Shadowheart bg3 should be positioned in the backline so she may stay safe and attend to support and healing.
- To get the most out of Shadowheart bg3 action economy, use bonus spells like Spiritual Weapon, Mass Healing Word, and Healing Word.
- For effect damage and debuffing, use Shadowheart bg3 Channel Divinity actions, particularly Radiance of the Dawn.
Always be ready to change your strategy in response to new information or threats. Feel free to try out different spells and techniques with Shadowheart bg3 because of her adaptability to varied battle situations.
Exploring Shadowheart Background and Companion Quest
Mystery surrounds Shadowheart bg3 past and her secret objective, which adds to her allure. As you go through the game and get closer to her, you will have chances to learn about her background and go on special missions together.
With her internal conflict over who she is and what she believes in, Shadowheart bg3 companion quest centres on her bond with the goddess Shar. Difficult decisions will impact Shadowheart bg3 growth as a character and your bond with her as you delve into this plot.
- Completing certain friendship milestones, such as having high approval ratings and participating in extensive talks, will activate the Shadowheart bg3 companion quest.
- Make your way through the main quest line while completing side tasks connected to Shadowheart bg3 past.
- As you go through the game, make decisions that either support Shadowheart bg3 principles and beliefs or significantly contradict them.
Your comprehension of Shadowheart bg3 goals, anxieties, and driving forces will grow as you solve the riddles around her. This enhances both the narrative experience and the chances for character development.
Faith field to strengthen friends before the battle.
- To strengthen your party’s health and defences, cast Heroes Feast and Aid after each lengthy rest.
- Put insect plague at chokepoints, making it hard for foes to get through and create lethal kill zones.
- When you want to hit a single target hard, cast Flame Strike or upcast Inflict Wounds.
- Shadowheart bg3 should be positioned in the backline so she may stay safe and attend to support and healing.
- To get the most out of Shadowheart bg3 action economy, use bonus spells like Spiritual Weapon, Mass Healing Word, and Healing Word.
- For effect damage and debuffing, use Shadowheart bg3 Channel Divinity actions, particularly Radiance of the Dawn.
Always be ready to change your strategy in response to new information or threats. Feel free to try out different spells and techniques with Shadowheart bg3 because of her adaptability to varied battle situations.
Last, Shadowheart bg3 is an intricate and formidable party booster in Baldur Gate 3. To unleash her full power and conquer any difficulty in the game, you must grasp her specific skills, create the perfect shadowheart build bg3, and strategically use spells like Warding Bond.
Remember to adjust your tactics based on the current scenario and try out various spells and equipment as you delve into the complex realm of Baldurs Gate 3 Shadowheart and discover the keys to free Shadowheart. With the correct bg3 shadowheart build and some imagination, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way.
Shadowheart bg3 richness and depth may be entirely appreciated by engaging with her captivating companion quest and delving into her background. You may improve your experience in Baldur Gate 3 and acquire a powerful ally by making important decisions and developing a close connection with her.
Embark on a journey into the Forgotten Realms with your group, and may the mysterious powers of Shadowheart bg3 lead you to triumph. No enemy can stand in your path as you discover the secrets of Baldur Gate 3 and create your own epic story with her by your side.