House Of Hope BG3 Game Guides

Baldur Gate 3: Conquering the House of Hope BG3 – A Step-by-Step Guide

Baldur Gate 3 Act 3 is filled with memorable quests and challenging encounters, but few are as daunting or rewarding as the house of Hope bg3 mission. This sprawling dungeon delve tasks players with infiltrating the infernal stronghold of the archdevil Raphael, navigating its treacherous halls, and ultimately freeing the imprisoned soul of a woman named Hope. The bg3 House of Hope quest is a true test of your party skills and resolve.

Along the way, you will face fearsome foes, cunning deceptions, and moral dilemmas that will test your party’s mettle and shape the course of your adventure. But fear not with careful preparation, clever tactics, and a bit of luck, you will be able to overcome the trials of the house of healing bg3 and emerge victorious.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through every step of this epic quest, from gaining entry to the House of Hope bg3 to defeating Raphael in a climactic final battle. We will provide tips on building an effective party, navigating the domain many dangers, and securing the best possible rewards for your efforts. So grab your gear, steel your nerves, and brave the depths of the bg3 House of Hope.


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Gaining Entry

The first challenge in undertaking the house of Hope bg3 quest is getting inside Raphael domain. To do so, you will need to enlist the aid of a crafty Diabolist named Helsik, who operates a shop called The Devil Fee in Baldur’s Gate Lower City district.

Locating The Devil Fee

The Devil Fee Image

Head northwest from the Lower City waypoint until you reach the district’s main thoroughfare. Turn right and continue past the Elfsong Tavern, looking for a narrow alleyway on your left. Follow this path to its end, and you will find The Devil Fee tucked away in a secluded corner.

Also Check: Auntie Ethel In BG3

Negotiating with Helsik

If you want to go inside the bg3 House of Hope, you will need Helsik’s assistance, so talk to her about it. It will not be inexpensive, but she will offer to establish a gateway for you. What are your three choices?

  1. Instantaneously pay Helsik twenty thousand gold. This is the quickest option if you already own the currency and are willing to sell it.
  2. Make a pact to return the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength, a vital relic, to Helsik in exchange for your services. They are located in the House of Hope bg3. Thank you for this, you will only have to pay for it after completing the quest.
  3. Attempted to steal Helsik Grimoire Bound from Imp Skin, found in her store. It provides the necessary directions for establishing a portal utilizing various components. Although it costs nothing, this strategy demands a high Sleight of Hand expertise to execute well.

No matter what you decide, Helsik will provide your group with a magical Debtor Attire so you may fit in with the other wandering spirits held in the house of healing bg3. To stay out of trouble, ensure all characters wear these items inside.

A Plea for Aid

A ghost called Hope greets visitors to the House of Hope bg3. She tells you that Raphael has tortured and imprisoned her soul for millennia, and she implores you to rescue her. In exchange, she pledges to be of all assistance she can while you are here in this shadowy realm.

In the house of Hope bg3 quest in BG3, your main goals are:

  1. Acquire a pass to Raphael private boudoir.
  2. Get Raphael secret phrase for unlocking his Orphic Hammer and steal his key from his safe.
  3. Break Hope bond crystals using the Orphic Hammer.
  4. Vanquish Raphael in battle and return to the gateway.

The Archivist Invitation

Obtaining an invitation from the domain archivist is a prerequisite to entering Raphael boudoir, your primary objective. This meticulous Fiend is nestled amid the antique books in the library of the bg3 House of Hope, which is located on the western wing.

Talk to the Archivist and see if you can trick or convince him to invite you. It will be considerably simpler if you have a party member who can cast Detect Thoughts, but a DC 14 Persuasion or Deception check will suffice.

Before speaking with the Archivist, use Detect Thoughts on him to discover the identity of a formidable demon that he dreads. Pretend this demon has dispatched you to examine Raphael operation when you chat with him. To save his master fury, the Archivist will quickly draft an invitation for you.

To learn more about how Detect Thoughts may help you with conversation encounters, see our BLOG on accessing secret burrow hole bg3 interactions.

Also Check: Warlock In Bg3

Haarlep Boudoir

Haarlep Boudoir image

Now that you have your well-deserved invitation, go back to the House of Hope bg3 main foyer and go via the northern corridor to get to Raphael boudoir. Make your offer to break through the glistening barrier and enter.

Haarlep, a seductive Incubus who has assumed Raphael visage, will meet you as you approach the luxurious bedroom. There will be a moment of decision when he tries to lure you into an intimate connection.

To keep your senses under control, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of 16 on acceptance of Haarlep overtures. If you can keep your cool, you can get Haarlep to let you into Raphael safely after your liaisons.

Haarlep will get aggressive and launch an assault with the help of a swarm of vengeful imps if you fla- out reject him. If you defeat them in battle, take the safe key from Haarlep corpse.

You must get the safe key to progress in your mission, regardless of how you do it. Before proceeding, search the boudoir for priceless artifacts such as magical elixirs and the Skill Enhancing Armoire Wardrobe. If you want your party to be fully healed and have all their wasted spell slots and skills restored, you should check out the refreshing pool.

The Orphic Hammer

The Orphic Hammer

To find a secret switch, go to the boudoir western wall and look at the big artwork. Pressing it will open a hidden room that has Raphael safe. Open it using the key you obtained from Haarlep and take the letter inside; it contains the damned command word that must be entered to unleash Raphael fabled Orphic Hammer.

Return to the Archivist library and circle to the pedestal that holds the hammer. Get the hammer and any other valuable gear you promised Helsik, such as the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength, as soon as you speak the command that will remove the magical wards guarding it.

Anarchy ensues when you pick up the hammer in the house of Hope bg3. To get to the entrance in the main hall eastern wing that goes down to the jail where Hope is confined, you will have to battle past the irate occupants.

Breaking Hope Chains

Descent into the jail antechamber to prepare for a deadly encounter against two Spectators and their entourage of Vengeful Imp minions. Take caution while situating yourself. If you aren’t cautious, the imps may swiftly launch you over the small pathways to your destruction.

Find the two blue gems shining at opposite ends of the cell once you have dealt with the guards. The spirit of Hope is bound and captive by these stones. Get Hope out of her metaphysical shackles by smashing them with the Orphic Hammer. As a formidable cleric, she will augment your group with her unique ability—restoring companions’ health and spell slots thoroughly once every rest.

The Final Confrontation

Return to the bg3 House of Hope foyer, the entrance you used when you came in via Baldur Gate, and fight your way back. As you near the exit portal, you will see Raphael, his minions Korilla, a slew of Cambion demons, and maybe even the demon ruler Yurgir—if you took his side in a previous quest—among his entourage.

Your party will be tested to its utmost in this multi-stage battle. Stopping Raphael from draining power from the four Soul Pillars positioned around the room perimeter is crucial to winning. Prioritize the rapid destruction of these pillars by using radiant damage and the Orphic Hammer.

Keep Raphael under control with crowd-control spells like Silence, Banishment, or Polymorph as your big hitters pound the pillars. Hope assistance and healing powers will be crucial to the survival of your crew. If you get overwhelmed during combat, remember that her unique ability can help allies recover to total health and restore spell slots once.

Raphael will grow infuriated if you have reduced his health to a third by destroying the Soul Pillars. He will become immune to most crowd control techniques, and his melee strikes will hit much harder. Use your most potent spells and skills to eliminate him immediately.

Escaping the House of Hope

You can finally leave the nightmare House of Hope bg3 if Raphael is defeated and the gateway behind him reopens. Please return the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength to Helsik as per your agreement if you have taken them from her.

Hope, eager to be recruited, will meet you by the campfire and give her companionship. You will also get the devastating Soul Catching Gloves, which increase your unarmed damage and heal you when struck.


Although escaping the house of Hope bg3 in BG3 is no picnic, the experience, treasure, and friends you meet along the way will make it an unforgettable event in your character journey. If you follow this guide to the letter, you will be able to confront the dangers of Raphael realm and learn the truth about the bg3 Raphael deal that started it all.

Your adventure, however, is far from over. With the connections you have made and the knowledge you have gained in the bg3 House of Hope, you are prepared to face the more significant challenges in BG3 expansive universe. There are many more chances to influence the destiny of the Forgotten Realms, from the corrupted streets of Baldur Gate to the twisted depths of the Underdark.

So have faith in the abilities and friends you have assembled, keep your head down, and keep fighting. What happens after your epic journey depends on your decisions and the pathways you take, whether you are solving esoteric secrets, building precarious alliances, or confronting threats to the end of the world.

Check out our other comprehensive tips, such as this primer on how to reach every bg3 burrow hole, if you need more assistance with the game many tasks and hidden mysteries.

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